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Serves Quality Education in Building Your CHILDREN'S FUTURE...
Student Life
An education at Biblica La Delle Academy is about more than just academics; we believe that a good education also requires character development. Leadership skills, teamwork, positive attitudes, willingness to serve and good sportsmanship are just a few of the many qualities that we seek to instill in our students during their years at BLDA. These important characteristics can’t be taught in the classroom alone. Each student is encouraged to join various school clubs, student organizations and committees to help him achieve a balanced student life. The following are BLDA's recognized school clubs and organizations:
Academic and Non-Academic Organizations
Elementary Department
Metamorph Club |
Elite |
BMS (BLDA Math Society) |
High School Department​
SOSESociety of Science Enthusiasts |
SBOStudent Body Organization |
LiterataEnglish Club |
BMSBLDA Math Society |
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